Maple PTSA is excited to be partnering with 11 other schools for the first annual Southeast Seattle Schools Move-a-Thon! From May 17-28, students will have the chance to play Move-a-Thon Bingo. Students may also collect pledges to raise money for our schools, but fundraising is not required. We are excited for our students to have the opportunity to get active. Every student who turns in a Bingo sheet will get a prize!
We have partnered with the Alliance for Education to pool and equitably distribute the raised funds, which will promote equitable access to academic and social support, enrichment opportunities, and family needs as defined by each unique school! Click here to donate...and help spread the word!
Bingo sheets have been sent home with in-person students, and extra copies are available at Maple school office. You can also get the Bingo Sheet by clicking here and click here to download the pledge sheet.
There are also grade level specific get-togethers outside (safely distanced with masks) sponsored by the PTSA. Please see the flyer below to find the time for your child(ren)'s class!